Thursday, November 29, 2007

Little Brian and the Christmas Tree

We are staying with my parents for the week while my hubby is out of town. My mom put up her tree last weekend and needless to say, Little Brian is in LOVE with it. He wants to show everyone the ornaments and takes his favorites ones off to stockpile them in a hideyhole somewhere. (We are still looking for some of them.)

Anyway, the Nativity scene is in a place he can reach without too much effort and he likes "arranging" the wise men. He gets this honest as me and my sister did this when we were little. However, it was the shepherd boy and we felt Barbie needed more choices than just Ken. That poor little shepherd boy has been glued back together more times than can count.

May the Lord bless and keep this Nativity scene from demise until the end of the week! :)


Anonymous said...

Ha! Oh, i can so relate, Caitlin.One year Joe held our baby Jesus hostage. we did not recover him till after x-mas.
my biggest problem this year is keeping the cat and The Sausage outtah our tree. They seem to like to have their lover's quarrels right up under it! :)

Hope you have a great weekend!! :)