Monday, September 10, 2007

~ Summer 2007 in Review (continued) ~

After we got home from the beach, we went to Carter's first birthday party. It was at the Oakwood Community Center as well. Catherine and Chad did a great job of putting it together. The theme was Boys Little 1.

This theme was so cute. (It was the only other one I would have had for Little Brian if I hadn't gone with the First Birthday Safari.)

My hubby and I got Little Brian a Little Tikes Climb and Slide Castle as one of our gifts to him for his first birthday.

He loved it so much and since it was versatile as an outdoor/indoor toy, we decided to give one to Carter. We love being close to family and that our boys will grow up together.

Happy Birthday Carter! Here are some pictures of his party.

Here's Mom, Dad and Carter opening gifts.
Carter's cake fun!


Finally, we rounded out the summer with my girlfriend Amanda's son Davis' 2nd birthday party during Labor Day weekend. Amanda and Tim did a great job on Davis' theme. His theme was monkeying around. The cake she had for him was beautiful.

She planned all of this while being 4 months pregnant. She's an overachiever is all I can say. Way to go! Here's a picture of Davis and his parents at the party.

They recently were able to learn the sex of their child. They are having a girl!



Little Brian's summer was a whirlwind and with the holidays coming up, there's no slowing down. I can't wait for the fall festivals to begin. I love fall. It's my favorite time of year and I hope that I can capture all of Little Brian's special moments for y'all to see.


Amanda said...

Over achiever -- I don't think so! I couldn't have done it without our family and our best friends, Lori and Daryl! And what was all over my shirt in those pictures! LOL probably D drool! Brian is precious. Isn't it nice having little cousins for them to grow up with!!!