Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Friday night, mom, Elizabeth , Little Brian and I went Christmas shopping. We were hosting my husband's mother's family party at our house the next night so I had a few gifts to buy at the last minute. We went to the Gainesville mall and they had those rides for 50 cents. We put Little Brian on the carousel one and he loved it. (Note: the real carousel closes at 7:30 p.m. What the crap?)
The ride before the scream heard 'round the world!
Anyway, after the ride stopped he did NOT want to get off and pitched the hugest fit I'm sure the mall has ever seen. On top of this, he already had a huge knot on his forehead (see picture above) from where he ran from me screaming because he didn't want to change his diaper, fell and bumped his head on our hardwoods. It's now thankfully gone down so we're attempting another go at sitting with Santa this weekend.


Anonymous said...

awww, poor brian!! that's quite a shiner he's got on his forehead! cute picture. my joe throws tantrums that i swear can be heard for miles, girl. STILL!! i thought 4 was supposed to be easier? uh, so far, not so much. :)

Hope u had a great day!

Andrea said...

Ouch! That looks like it hurt! That's crazy that they close the real carousel so early! I'm sure they could make a lot more money if they had it open until the mall itself closes!

Amanda said...

LOL! Welcome to the almost terrible twos! I really thought it was just a joke! Not in the least! Sweet little Davis has meltdowns quite frequently now, and you never know when they are going to start!!! The joys of motherhood! don't you love it when the lose it in public and scream "Help, Help me!" at the top of their lungs and everyone looks at you like you are a kidnapper! GREAT!!! I have no idea what I will do with 2!!!